Thursday, June 30, 2005

4th of July Parade

I love a parade, doesn't everyone? Its just something about the bands, floats, and participants that makes it so much fun!

If you're going to be in town on the 4th of July, remember to put out your flags and come out to the parade in Farragut. It will be held at 9:30 AM, and will close Kingston Pike from Concord Road through Boring Road between 8:30 AM and NOON.

Just remember, it's illegal to play with fireworks in Knox County.

Have a safe and pleasant 4th of July!
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Monday, June 27, 2005

Single Life in Farragut?

Just curious, but is there anything aside from the Cotton Eyed Joe for single entertainment in the town of Farragut? I really would like your input on this, so let me know, o.k. Thanks.

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Thursday, June 23, 2005

Cracker Jack Driving School

Maybe it's just me, but has Farragut and West Knox become "snob-town"? Everywhere I look, I see people driving around in new cars, trucks, etc., and they all think that they OWN the entire road! If you read your motor vehicle manual (you know, the one you get to read and learn from before you can get a driver's license), then you know that you are supposed to share the road with bicycles, motorcycles, ambulances, fire trucks, police cars, pedestrians and of course "big rigs" and other vehicles large and small. Apparently, however, that rule doesn't get used by a lot of people around here. I swear, did some of these folks get their license to drive from a "cracker jack" box as the surprize inside? If so, that would go a long way to explaining why some folks weave across multiple lanes of traffic, speed at up to 2x the limit or more, chat on the cell-phone, read the newspaper, etc., etc., etc., while they drive! While I've done what I can to stop this (including driving the speed limit, being curteous to other drivers, no longer driving through red-lights, etc.), it's time everyone else get involved and be better examples to everyone else.

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Monday, June 20, 2005

Supporting Your Local Farragut Businesses, Part 2

I have been told that I should practice what I preach! Well, get me a Target, Sears, Lowes, Best Buy, etc., so I can. How long are we as residents going to put up with the vacant K-Mart Building? We're seeing all the nice new development in Turkey Creek, but all we're seeing here in Farragut is more and more businesses leaving. I see that the old Europa Restaurant is being renovated and will be opening as a Thai Restaurant pretty soon, so that's good. But what about all the other boarded up and vacant businesses? What is our West Knox/Farragut Chamber of Commerce doing to get those filled? Or are they too busy promoting Knoxville's side of Turkey Creek? From a resident's Point Of View, it sure seems like it.

Anyway, please feel free let me know how my perception isn't reality.

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Thursday, June 16, 2005

Attention All Movie Lovers!

I saw an ad in the KNS yesterday about the new Regal Pinnacle 18 that is opening up in Turkey Creek. From Monday, June 20th through June 22nd, they will be having $1 movies, $1 popcorn and $1 drinks! In addition, all the proceeds will be going to the Knoxville Charities! Monday will be for the Empty Stocking Fund, Tuesday for the Make a Wish Foundataion and Wednesday's Proceeds go to the Boys & Girls Clubs of ET Valley. So, movie lovers, here is your chance not only to see a "cheap movie", but to help out some worthy causes!

See y'all at the movies!

Also, Wednesday, they'll be having fireworks @ 9:45 PM

Have fun and enjoy.

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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Buddy of mine in Farragut thinks he wants a roommate.

I've got a friend that thinks he needs a roommate to make ends meet. Personally, his budget is just a little short and if he'd make some small adjustments to his budget he'd be fine. But he says he likes the way he's living so, in order to live that lifestyle, he needs a roommate.

I've told him my opinion, but agreed to ask for yours. He wants any and all stories, good or bad. He'll be looking at your entries, so let him have it. I appreciate your indulgence on this one!


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Thursday, June 09, 2005

Jigsaw Puzzles & Riddles

Jigsaw puzzles & Riddles. Most people like jigsaw puzzles and riddles, at least I do. My only problem is a town should not be one of them. Someone made a comment to me a while back that our town is a large jigsaw puzzle. I didn't think so at first, but the more I look at it, the more I can see his point. From what I understood on Civic Planning, normal town development is from the center outward, right? Well, it seems that Farragut isn't developed that way. There are several places where there is no development within the town, but places on the outskirts where there are major developments. Anyway, my riddles are--why are these areas undeveloped? Why did we allow all those churches on Kingston Pike (ever try to get out without assistance after church on Sunday mornin')? Why have we got all those businesses that are boarded up when we're building more new commercial developments? Shouldn't we have 90%+ of our businesses filled before building more new businesses?

I really want to know what you all think...comment away

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Monday, June 06, 2005

Cheaters, Cheaters....I HATE Them!

Is it just me or have I been seeing a lot of cheating going on around here lately? Whether its at Peters Road and Cedar Bluff (all those people in the LEFT TURN lane that decide that they want to go straight--you know who you are and should be ashamed of yourselves!), or those of you who cut out in front of me and my "stealth vehicle" (I swear as often as it happens I must be driving one!), or in the checkout line at the local store (someone actually tried this the other day and I only had ONE item), or even people having the audacity to change the price of an item IN the store! (I haven't seen this, but I've heard some friends of mine that work in retail talk about it), well I'm FLAT-OUT getting tired of it! Have people ignored common courtesy and deceny in their upbringing? Is their selfishness and self-concern really that overridding a factor that it's got to be satisfied before all others? I heard that this was the home of Southern Hospitality but all I see is rudeness, cheating and stuff I wouldn't associate with Southern Hospitality.

Anyway, I hope I am wrong, but please let me know...

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Friday, June 03, 2005

Outsourcing of Services

The Mayor of Farragut said here that the town is not in the School Business, Police Business, Fire Protection Business, Utility Business, Garbage Disposal Business, etc. Well, I'd say that the town is an agent in those businesses, even if it decides not to be in those businesses. It simply decides that it prefers to outsource them. That is well within the town's right, but at what cost to it's residents?

I'm not saying that the town needs to implement a property tax.

However if you look at the current effects of outsourcing our services, we have--
1. Increased homeowner/auto insurance rates.
2. No real law enforcement/prevention (oh sure, we get a nibble here and there from our KCSD (and I'm not saying that they're doing a bad job, either), but nothing's been done to visibly cause change in speeding/crime in West Knox County)
3. No regulation on increases in Rural/Metro membership fees (which my HOA said went up AGAIN this year)
4. Over crowded schools with no plans for putting in new schools to increase capacity
5. Utility costs which continue to increase without any impedance from the town (I may be wrong here, but my costs have almost doubled in the 3 years I've lived in Farragut).

I believe it's time our leadership evaluated the real costs of outsourcing and determined if its better for us as a town to bring them partially or wholly in-house. If not, then we'd better start getting more value for what we as residents spend. After all, we as residents are spending real money here, aren't we?

If we want to continue improving our town, we need to start somewhere and I think bringing in new retail businesses (from which we can collect our portion of sales tax) is the way to go as this provides revenue for our town without impacting residents. That is, as long as we can get shoppers to spend time and money here in Farragut. After all, we've got vacant businesses that need to be filled, so we're not having to develop any new land for it. And as for the signage ordinance, I think the signs need to be more consistent (and maybe the town should provide some financial incentives to do so, like a tax credit equaling the cost of bringing the signs up-to-date).

Well, maybe y'all can think of other things to help our town (or say what you think is wrong with it), and maybe you can voice why I'm wrong in my perception. Comment and let me know.

Just remember, this is only an opinion, and if I can be convinced, it may change....

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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The Isle of Farragut, Part 2

I've linked back to the original post in the header in case you want to see it.

Well, oh my 19 responses other than my own. I didn't think I could cause such a stir! Anyway, I've noticed a few common threads going on there. Impact Fees/Urban Sprawl, Schools, Crime and Traffic. All of those threads pretty much point back at the town and it's leadership, don't they. Which direction to follow? Is it the right one? Are there other opportunities we could be missing along the way? Well, from the praises and the gripes, I've noticed that I end up with more questions than answers, and to be honest, I don't know if I'd be making the right decisions, either. This is why you elect leadership that hopefully takes our town in the right direction. However, back in March/April, when the town's election was held, only 16% of us voted (I was one of them). Would someone please tell me why this election is held in the oddest possible time in the first place? Also, would holding the election during a different time (like, the normal US election day--1st Tuesday in Nov.) make a difference?

Let me know!

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